Resting Beach Face

This Easter weekend, my family decided to travel down to Corpus Christi and visit my sister! I flew in last night and spent the evening walking around down by the pier and going out to dinner. Last night’s sunset was spectacular, too!

Today is our only full day together in Corpus, so we decided to spend the majority of it at the beach. We spent a few hours in the late morning/early afternoon just laying out and enjoying the nice weather. I also flew some kites with my sister. They were very small and cute- perfect for novice kite-fliers like us.

We also have one of our dogs, Chloe, with us on this trip! She loves the beach because she just gets to lay around and chill out. I can’t say she likes going in the water very much, though.

We got sandwiches for lunch, and then headed out to our second activity of the day: we rented a golf cart and got to drive it around on the beach and through the residential neighborhoods. I had a great time, but I forgot to reapply sunblock, so my knees got a little burnt. Oops!

After our golf cart ride, my sister and I decided to go for a swim in the pool right outside our condo! I haven’t actually been swimming in a while (I don’t consider lounging in the hot tub during spring break “swimming”) so it was extra fun for me. I was a competitive swimmer for 10 years and have really missed being in the water.

My flight out tomorrow is at noon, and I’ll be so sad to leave! It’s almost finals week, so I would much rather stay here. I guess the pool at my apartment complex will have to suffice.
